Uglich Biofactory
The building of a biofactory, a high-tech facility for producing bacterial concentrates and starters for the food sector, started in Uglich in 2023.
Starters are either pure cultures or a blend of cultures of microorganisms used to prepare fermented products.Their use is related to the manufacturing of cheeses, bread, wine, meat items, and fermented milk products.
Russia's starters market consumption is increasing at a steady rate of roughly 3% per year. Forecasts indicate that the market will reach 30 billion rubles by 2030. A distinctive feature of this sector is that over 90% of this market in Russia depends on imports of bacterial concentrates from EU countries.
The establishment of the Uglich Biofactory, a significant business, aims to lessen the dependence of the domestic food industry on imported concentrates. Lactic acid, propionic acid, acetic acid, and bifidobacteria—all essential for fermenting milk and making fermented milk products—will be the biofactory's primary focus. The company is expected to reach 50% of its design capacity by the middle of 2025.
In addition, the Biofactory in Uglich will develop and apply domestic technologies in the field of starters production and carry out innovative and scientific research in the areas of industrial microbiology.
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Uglich cheese and dairy plant
The Uglich Cheese and Dairy Plant (USMZ) is a dairy industry facility in Uglich, Yaroslavl Region. It was established in 1935. Today, the plant manufactures dairy and fermented milk products under the names "Iz Uglicha" and "Ugleche Pole." It has 13,750 m² of industrial space and processes 200 tonnes of milk each day, with 75 tonnes utilised for dairy products and 125 tonnes for cheese.
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