
"Legends of Uglich": Five Facts About Russian Premium Cheese

A true gourmet will always appreciate flavourful, high-quality cheese. The Ugleche Pole brand's premium selection, the "Legends of Uglich" cheeses, combines historical recipes, local cheesemakers talent, and the fresh aromas of the Volga fields.

Rich history

The history of Uglich cheese goes back to the 19th century. Nikolai Vereshchagin, the pioneer of Russian cheesemaking, recognised immense potential for his enterprise in the Northern Volga region's fertile and clean-water meadows. Nikolai Vereshchagin opened the first artel cheese factory and a cheese-making school in the village of Edimonovo, Tver region, after mastering the cheese craft in Switzerland and bringing in cheese production technologies from Europe, but it was in Uglich that his business grew to the size of the national cheese-making centre.

Modern production

Today, the Uglich Cheese and Dairy Plant (USMZ) produces the most famous domestic cheeses, whose flavours we've known since childhood. Anastas Mikoyan founded the plant in 1935, and it was acquired by the domestic agro-industrial business "Agranta" in 2018. The company makes organic dairy and meat products, which do not include any additives. The plant underwent extensive remodelling in December 2020, and the most up-to-date equipment was installed. Today, the traditions of the Russian cheesemaking school continue to be maintained while new recipes are constantly developed.

Special milk

The high quality of milk allows cheese to have its traditional taste and solid density. The Yaroslavl cows were bred specifically for these regions in the nineteenth century. They have strong health and have no fear of freezing temperatures. The saturated Yaroslavl meadows, with their delicate grass, give milk a unique pleasant flavor. In addition, Uglich is well-known for its ecology: there are no big factories nearby, thus the quality of local dairy products is consistently high.

Unique tastes

The selection of the premium cheeses "Legends of Uglich" of the "Ugleche Pole" brand is extremely diverse. For example, "Uglichsky" cheese has a rich, creamy flavour, whereas "Etelsky" has a nice yellow colour with a light sour-milk avor. Uleima cheese has a well-balanced flavour and delicate texture. The famous "Poshekhonsky" cheese is noted for its rich, smooth texture and nice, creamy flavour with spicy undertones. "Romaniere" is distinguished by its salty flavour and solid structure.

Own museum

Another reason to visit Uglich this summer is its own museum, Syrkultprosvet, located on the factory premises. This is a modern facility where you can learn about the cheese production process, discover astonishing facts about Russian cheesemaking history, and visit interactive areas. Guests can design their own cheese packaging in the laboratory, sample cheeses, and watch themed films in the cinema. On top of that, visit the SyrBor restaurant and taste the author's recipes made with Uglich cheese by brand chef Grigory Mosin.